Thursday, 12 June 2008

Free range food

If I see another celebrity chef on TV going on about how great free range and organice food is I will shit myself. I am fed up on being lectured about what tastes better. What about Dolphin you Cunts, it's free range lean meat but I don't see you all pushing that. The reason you don't is because you think it is smart. Well chickens are not, thats why they dont need space. You say "oh they look distressed", well should should see it after I have kicked it in the face.

If you twats get your way next year there will be a Chicken living in a two bedroom flat next door to me enjoying a 6 figure salary from the government because it's had 12 children. While I am persecuted in the for being racist for making a why did the chicken cross the road joke. What in the name of god ever happened to Floyd on the piss. Why can't you just toar europe getting waisted and cooking food that you claim to be delicous but by my calculations must be about 40% proof.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your blog really appeals to my own warped sense of humour. Thanks for making an otherwise dull afternoon all the more worthwhile