Monday 22 October 2007

Me against the WWF

In rebellion against WWF I am going to drop kick a bunny in my size 11s everyday until you give the name back to wrestling. You may think surely they will stop selling him bunnies after the first few but they won't for a number of reasons:
1. Pet shop owners are gullible and want to see the best in people
2. I will rotate between stores being sure never to hit the same shop or member of staff too often.
3. I am a master of disguise.
4. I know where I can borrow a child from and I can blame the loss of the bunny on them. ( How come when kids accidentally take a life it can be cute?)

If you don't hand it back in the next month I have a man in china who will organise a deathmatch between Me and a Panda.

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